Sélection 2016

PREVENT – Le PatRimoine dans son EnVironnemENT

Porteur du projet :
Partenaires internes FSP :


Béatrice LEDÉSERT et Ronan HÉBERT (GEC, UCP)

Partenaires externes FSP :
Pierre M. ADLER et Alexis MAINEULT(METIS, Sorbonne Université)

Céline BLONDEAU (MADVO, Musée Archéologique Départemental du Val d’Oise)


Baudouin AÏSSOUN


Dominique PELLERIN


Alexandre AUDINO (Vexin Patrimoine)

PREVENT addresses the building heritage durability under environmental conditions. The methodology is mainly based on a full scale analog experiment combined with numerical modelling. The analog instrumented experiment mimmics a cella wall with its basement submitted to water-table oscillations.

The durability is evaluated via the transfer properties of the building materials, and in particular the permeability (with water or air). The apparent air permeability measures the ability of the material to facilitate the circulation of the gas phases, and thus to evacuate the water (vapor) contained in the porous network, and constitutes a measure of the "breathing of the material". It is particularly impacted by the water saturation of the medium. Changes in apparent permeability can thus be considered as an indicator of saturation and desaturation phenomena in porous materials of the built heritage.
PREVENT aims at developing a method of multi-scale analysis, monitoring and prediction of the transfer properties of the materials of a built heritage subject to circulations of water in its environment. To do this, a built heritage subject to capillary upwelling -- the Gallo-Roman sanctuary of Vaux-de-la-Celle in Genainville -- is used as a pilot site for the development of large-scale experiments in situ and on a meter-scale wall reproduction in the Val d’Oise Archeological Museum (MADVO, Guiry en Vexin). In situ measurements, analog experiments are combined to 3D numerical modelling to provide a full scale tool for predicting transfer properties according to i) the nature of the materials, ii) the evolution of the damage, iii) preventive treatments, iv) restorations made.

Intérêts sociétaux et valorisation

The reproduction of the cella wall is the subject of a passive and active presentation to the MADVO visitors. Workshops are organized for the public like for the JEP 2018 (https://openagenda.com/events/archeologie-experimentative-reproduction-1-1-d-un-mur-antique?lang=fr), or for professionals in mediation for archeology.

The original combination of analog experience and numerical modeling will be published in at least two papers in high-impact journals and will be presented at the international conference Stone2020. Our recent work on the characterization of ancient mortars is the subject of an article in preparation for Construction and Building Materials Journal.

Nos membres


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