
Zhang Yuqing


Yuqing Zhang is a PhD student of organic chemistry in LCB at University of Cergy-Pontoise since November 2018. She is focusing on the synthesis of perfluorinated compounds and their use for the restoration of artworks.

Yuqing Zhang now is a PhD student in University of Cergy-Pontoise, at LCB. She obtained her master degree on Organic Chemistry at Nankai University in China in 2017. Her master thesis was about synthesis and catalysis of pyrazole palladium complex. After obtaining her master degree, she worked as a research assistant in Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences since October 2017. There her work was mainly focused on small molecular drug discovery by applying DNA-encoded chemical library technology DNA-encoded chemical library technology. In July 2017, Yuqing took part in the Heritage Science Summer School organised by University of Cergy-Pontoise. Thanks to the well-organised summer school, Yuqing steped into the heritage science field for the first time. Finally, she found her interest in heritage science which could combined chemistry and art together. Yuqing started her PhD in November 2018 under direction of Professor Nadege Lubin-Germain at LCB. Her thesis is related to synthesis of perfluorinated compounds and their use for the restoration of easel paints and for the protection of stones materials, which is funded by Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine. This project has four partners : University of Cergy-Pontoise, University of Florence, Centre de Restauration des Musées de France and Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources of Italy. Her work will be shared in Cergy, Florence and Paris.



The proposal concerns the synthesis of perfluorinated compounds and their use for the restoration of artworks. The perfluorinated compounds proposed are new compounds designed according to particular expected physical chemical properties and will be used for the restoration of easel paints and for the protection of stones materials.

Autres Chercheurs

Maîtresse de conférences

Anne-Julie Etter

Anne-Julie Etter est maîtresse de conférences en histoire à l’Université de Cergy-Pontoise et coordinatrice scientifique de la Fondation des sciences du patrimoine.

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Jérôme Wassermann

Jérôme WASSERMANN, PhD in Geophysics, is Research Engineer at the Laboratory of Mechanics and Materials of Civil Engineering (L2MGC), University of Cergy Pontoise.

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Thibault Le Hégarat

Docteur en histoire contemporaine, chercheur en histoire culturelle et histoire des médias, spécialisé dans la représentation du passé et du patrimoine à la télévision.

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